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My formative years were spent as a military brat, traveling with my family around the world. At age 15, my friends and I explored the jungles on the island of Guam.  We loved camping next to a remote waterfall and spend the day swimming.  I believe those childhood experiences forged my life-long love of nature.  As an avid backpacker, I spent quite a lot of time enjoying nature’s majesty and soaking in peace-filled days of splendor.  Sooner or later, I would have to return to the city and of course the dreaded job to earn money for the mortgage.  This instilled in me a longing to build my own homestead and live free from stress, mortgage and prying neighbors.  

While serving in the Air Force, I felt I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to.  I learned I had a natural mechanical aptitude.  I have the uncanny ability to build or create just about anything by looking at a picture or reading a book.  This became a huge help when building my home, solar set-up, compost toilet and rain water system when the only thing I’d built before was a deck. 




“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

 --Henry David Thoreau  - Life in the Woods

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